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Equipment and food machinery produced by Tornado Factory is made with use of advanced software. Our team of professionals and project engineers with over 20 years of experience in food industry test each item thoroughly before shipping it to the Customer's. Tornado production facilities use default and applied technologies while working with metal sheet-bending and -turning machines to obtain necessary results. The team of IT- and CMD-experts provide tech support full time - we have made our Customers' satisfaction number one priority in ur business processes. 


Technical specifications:

Capacity: up to 50 kg/h
Oil heating, source: electricity, 3-phase, 380 V / Gas burner
Power consumption: 6 kW/h
Modifications for products:
-semi-processed products
-loose products

промышленная фритюрница, фритюрница непрерывного действия, фритюрница Торнадо

Continual deep-fat fryers Tornado FND-50 series are configured to fry pellet chips, crisps, crackers, donuts, mutton pies and loose products by continual automated process of applying heat to fried items' surfaces within plant oil settings. Ideally suited for small business or enterprises testing a new product.

Operating principle: products are supplied manually or automatically (by means of a  feeding conveyor) to a dosing system and then by measured portions to the frying chamber of the machine.  While seed oil is being heated up to maintain working temperature, the fried products move gradually through heated oil and towards the cooling tray at a pre-set time and speed. Fried products are then discharged to the cooling tray or mobile trolley/feeding conveyor for further processing or packing. All processes are automated with the operator being able to create their own profiles. Manual control mode is also available. 

Continual deep-fat fryers manufactured by Tornado Factory LTD. are high-tech equipment made out of stainless steel. Because of high-quality wielding, assembly and painting technologies applied to its components and meticulous assembly control, the lifetime of a fryer is 10 years on average. We install approved componets from leading suppliers only owhich provides durability, quality and comfort while working with the machine. 


Technical specifications:

Capacity: up to 100 kg/h
Oil heating, source: electricity, 3-phase, 380 V / Gas burner
Power consumption: 120 kW/h (electric version), 6 kW/h (gas version)
Gas consumption (for gas version): 12-14 m3/h
Oil volume: up to 1000 l.
Modifications for products:
-semi-processed products
-loose products

промышленная фритюрница, фритюрница непрерывного действия, фритюрница Торнадо

Next generation of Tornado FND-100 deep-fat fryers series is designated for actively developing companies to produce over 100 kg of snacks per hour. With Tornado FND-100 you will be able to create and save frying profiles into history, the configuration of the machine has a smart filtering appliance with replaceable polypropene inserts; redistribution mechanism for consistent product frying; upward moving mechanic lid allowing convenient clean-up and fryer maintenance; other ugrades which not only maximize hourly output but increase quality of fried products on demand.

Operating principle: products are supplied manually or automatically (by means of a  feeding conveyor) to a dosing system and then by measured portions to the frying chamber of the machine.  While seed oil is being heated up to maintain working temperature, the fried products move gradually through heated oil and towards the cooling tray at a pre-set time and speed. Fried products are then discharged to the cooling tray or mobile trolley/feeding conveyor for further processing or packing. All processes are automated with the operator being able to create their own profiles. Manual control mode is also available. 

Continual deep-fat fryers manufactured by Tornado Factory LTD. are high-tech equipment made out of stainless steel. Because of high-quality wielding, assembly and painting technologies applied to its components and meticulous assembly control, the lifetime of a fryer is 10 years on average. We install approved componets from leading suppliers only owhich provides durability, quality and comfort while working with the machine. 


Technical specifications:

Capacity: up to 500 kg/h
Oil heating, source: electricity, 3-phase, 380 V / Gas burner
Power consumption: 200 kW/h (electric version)
12 kW/h (gas version)
Gas consumption (for gas version): 14-16 m3/h
Oil volume: up to 2000 l.
Modifications for products:
-semi-processed products
-loose products

промышленная фритюрница, фритюрница непрерывного действия, фритюрница Торнадо

Industrial Lines for frying snacks Tornado FND-500 are designated as fully automated machinery for big suppliers of snack products. The industrial fryer Tornado FND-500 is completed with options for frying diverse products, subsequent cooling, aromatizing (spicing), and packing ready products. Starting with conveyor (vacuum) delivery of the items to the frying chamber and finishing by packing ready-made products by measured portions, the synchronized system of Tornado FND-500 allows its operator to find and apply best fry profile and then to get the necessary result meeting the highest market demands.

Operating principle: the items to-be-fried are supplied automatically in a pre-set measure to the frying chamber of Tornado FND-500 while its central processor is controlling time and tempeature at which the fried products are immersed in oil. After discharging the products to the cooling tray, the system then cools, removes oil leftovers and moves the products to the next stage for spicing/aromatizing in a cyclical or continual manner. Fried and processed products are then supplied for filling or packing by pre-set values.



-Tornado DB-200
-Tornado DB-400
-Tornado DB-600

Technical Specificaitons:

Capacity: 200-600 kg/h
Power consumption: 4-6 kW/h
Material: stainless steel
Barrel diameter: 600-800 mm
Liquid fractions injection: Positive
Dry spices coating: Positive
дражировочный барабан для сухариков, семечек, арахиса, чипсов, пеллет, дражировочный барабан Торнадо

Seasoning machines Tornado configured for non-stop consistent applying of various taste and aroma ingredients to surfaces of processed (fried) products. These machines are used in food or confectionary production lines. While fried products are supplied to the front open end of the rotating drum, they are mixed, coated with liquified aromatized air and dry spices. The whole batch is gradually being moved to the other end and discharged after seasoning cycle. All processes can be automated for operation within a production line together with a fryer or a roaster. 


Technical specifications:

Batch size capacity: up to 200 kg/h
Material: stainless steel AISI-304
Drum diameter: 800 mm
Injection of liquid ingredients: Positive
Power consumption: 1,5 kW/h
Voltage: 220 V
Automation of processes: Positive
-Tornado SKA-100
-Tornado SKA-200


Tornado Mixers for blending and aromatizing loose products of SKA series a designated for consistent blending and aromatizing loose products, such as coffee beans, peanuts, tea, almond, etc. within a metallic or plastic mixer barrel.

Operating principle: Products are supplied to the mixer manually or automatically while the hermetically sealed lid provides consistent air/pressure/fluid settings.  The system for dosing aromas is mounted on top of the lid which function is to inject liquid fraction inside the blend at a pre-site time and quantity parameter. Movement sensors installed at the frame of the mixer register its angle thus facilitating automated load-in and load-out command. The mixer can be set to operate at various angles and rotation frequency. The whole machine is made out of stainless steel which together with the amplified frame and feet offers a prolonged durability.


Technical Specifications:

Conveyor height, max: 4.5 meters
Hourly output: up to 8 tons/h
Power consumption, max: 0,5 kW/h
Blade filling regulation: Positive
Material: stainless steel
-Feeding conveyor TP-2.5
-Feeding conveyor TP-3.5
-Feeding conveyor TP-4.6
-Installation of half-automated dosing system on each configuration
Транспортер подающий, транспортер шнековый, транспортер ленточный, транспортер цепной

Feeding conveyor of TP-series are designated to automatically feed loose products such as sunflower seeds, nuts, coffee beans, peanuts, pistachio (and others) to roasting, drying/processing or packing machines. Feeding conveyors are supplied with hoppers of up to 250 kg loading capacity. Products are feeded with an aid of oil-resistant certified blades. On demand, we can manufacture a conveyor out of steel and subsequently paint the frame in a desired color.  Feeding conveyors can be equipped with variable speed drives for smooth launch, velocity and stoppage regulation. Support frame can be configured in various angles for regulated positioning


Technical Specifications:

Batch capacity: up to 3 m3
Material: stainless steel AISI 304
Frame height: up to 5 meters
Discharge troughs: up to 4 pcs
Length and height of discharge troughs: on demand
Valve on discharge trough: Positive
Upper lid: on demand
Inspection windows for visual volume control: 2 pcs.
Regulated fee: Positive
-Silo BN-100
-Silo BN-200
-Silo BN-300
Бункер для хранения кофе, арахиса, орехов, фисташек, чая

Silos for storing blends and loose products of SP-series are designated for temporal storing loose products in volume up to 6 m3 at production sites or in storehouses. Manufacturing material is stainless steel by default but can be changed on demand. Inner silo configuration prevents feeded products from damaging while loading. Additional specifications such as height of the frame or hermetically sealed lid with degassing valves or length/height of discharge troughs can be manufactured optionally. 


Technical specifications:

Capacity: from 180 pcs/h
Carrying capacity: up 100 kg
Power consumption (lifting engine): 0,55 kW/h
Power consumption (moving device engine): 0,25 kW/h
Total power consumption: < 1 kW/h (220 Voltage)
Compressed air: up to 250 l/h, pressure: 6 kg/cm
-Manipulator-racker ММ-50
-Manipulator-racker ММ-100

укладчик мешков, манипулятор для мешков, оборудования фасовки, подъем мешков автоматический

Manipulator-rachers of MM-series are designated for lifting and laying items (sacks, barrels, weighs) with up to 100 kg onto a pallet. These allow stocking weighs of up to 100kg on pallets in several layers inside production or storehouse spaces. The manipulator is steered by a joystick (up and down, left and right movement of the carriage) while picking is orchestrated by pneumatic cyllinders. Reach distance of MM-manipulators is within the 2 pallets space. The configurations may be mounted to a building's frame. 


Technical specifications:

Dimensions: 2800х2400х1050
Cacpacity: 3000-8000 bottles/hour
Power consumption: 2,5 - 5 kW/h
Voltage: 220 V
Compressed air: 6-9 Bars, 250-340 l/min
Plastic bottles filler UPB-3000
Plastic bottles filler UPB-8000
укладчик бутылок ПЭТ, укладчик пластиковых бутылок, фасовка пустых бутылок

Automated fillers of empty plastic bottles of UPB-series are designated for continual filling empty plastic bottles by quantity of 5x10 into a plastic bag. Output tunnel is mounted with 5x rows of guides which fix bottles' positions inside the tunnel and direct the items into a plastic bag. The whole process is automated with an aid of feeding conveyor and a cyclically moving dosing system. Filler frame is made out of stainless steel, and is amplified to suppress vibration which extends its durability up to 10 years


Technical specifications:

Desgination: packing into 50kg out of big-bags
Dimensions: 2240 х 1750 х 4760 mm
Dosing volume: 1-50 kg
Dosing deviation: +/- 100 g.
Telpher capacity: up 2 t.
Material: steel, stainless steel
Power consumption: 5 kW/h
Voltage: 380 V
укладчик бутылок ПЭТ, укладчик пластиковых бутылок, фасовка пустых бутылок

Packing Line Tornado RTD-50 is designated for packing of loose or granular products (materials) from big-bags and into a tare (sack) of 50 kg.
Operating principle: Big-bags are placed onto the packing square and then lifted up 2 meters by telphers to be mounted inside the tanker. Open side of the big-bag is directed to the unloading zone configured in the shape of a funnel. Horizontal feeding conveyor supplies weighed quantaty of the material or product (value being preset by a table in the electric cabinet) of up to 50 kg in the packing zone. Packing speed alteration is available. Support frame and hooks are installed for convenience of operation. The whole construction is designed with consideration to ergonomics and durability of use.


90 DAYS Lead time
Depending on complexity of an item being produced, we will manufacture and ship your order within 90 days.
Assembly and spare parts in Russia
Our production facilities and administrative offices are situated in the Russian Federation. You do not have to overpay for third-parties' services.

Quality-based Approach
We use components to manufacture and assembly our items  from trusted sources only. Each product is tested thoroughly before shipping. Warranty period is 2 years. 

Service Maintenance
All spare parts including electronics are stocked in our storehouses. We respond to our Customers' requests for service within 1 hour. Warranty period for all Tornado machinery is 24 months. 

Qualified Personnel
Our staff has an extensive experience in food machinery projecting, manufacturing and assembly. Your request will be accompanied by our sales and tech team end-to-end.

Patented Technologies
While manufacturing Tornado equipment, we use our own creative approach and technologies approved by patenting offices. Get the edge over your competitors today!


Production of Innovative Food Equipment
© 2005-2023. Tornado Factory LTD. All rights reserved.