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Technical specifications:

Capacity: up to 50 kg/h
Oil heating, source: electricity, 3-phase, 380 V / Gas burner
Power consumption: 6 kW/h
Modifications for products:
-semi-processed products
-loose products

обжарка снэков, кондитерских изделий, овощей, мяса, рыбы во фритюре
обжарка полуфабрикатов во фритюре, автоматическая обжарка во фритюре

Continual deep-fat fryers Tornado FND-50 series are configured to fry pellet chips, crisps, crackers, donuts, mutton pies and loose products by continual automated process of applying heat to fried items' surfaces within plant oil settings. Ideally suited for small business or enterprises testing a new product.

Operating principle: products are supplied manually or automatically (by means of a  feeding conveyor) to a dosing system and then by measured portions to the frying chamber of the machine.  While seed oil is being heated up to maintain working temperature, the fried products move gradually through heated oil and towards the cooling tray at a pre-set time and speed. Fried products are then discharged to the cooling tray or mobile trolley/feeding conveyor for further processing or packing. All processes are automated with the operator being able to create their own profiles. Manual control mode is also available. 
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Technical specifications:

Capacity: up to 100 kg/h
Oil heating, source: electricity, 3-phase, 380 V / Gas burner
Power consumption: 120 kW/h (electric version), 6 kW/h (gas version)
Gas consumption (for gas version): 12-14 m3/h
Oil volume: up to 1000 l.
Modifications for products:
-semi-processed products
-loose products
промышленная фритюрница, фритюрница непрерывного действия, фритюрница Торнадо

Next generation of Tornado FND-100 deep-fat fryers series is designated for actively developing companies to produce over 100 kg of snacks per hour. With Tornado FND-100 you will be able to create and save frying profiles into history, the configuration of the machine has a smart filtering appliance with replaceable polypropene inserts; redistribution mechanism for consistent product frying; upward moving mechanic lid allowing convenient clean-up and fryer maintenance; other ugrades which not only maximize hourly output but increase quality of fried products on demand.

Operating principle: products are supplied manually or automatically (by means of a  feeding conveyor) to a dosing system and then by measured portions to the frying chamber of the machine.  While seed oil is being heated up to maintain working temperature, the fried products move gradually through heated oil and towards the cooling tray at a pre-set time and speed. Fried products are then discharged to the cooling tray or mobile trolley/feeding conveyor for further processing or packing. All processes are automated with the operator being able to create their own profiles. Manual control mode is also available.  
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Technical specifications:

Capacity: up to 500 kg/h
Oil heating, source: electricity, 3-phase, 380 V / Gas burner
Power consumption: 200 kW/h (electric version)
12 kW/h (gas version)
Gas consumption (for gas version): 14-16 m3/h
Oil volume: up to 2000 l.
Modifications for products:
-semi-processed products
-loose products
промышленная фритюрница, фритюрница непрерывного действия, фритюрница Торнадо

Industrial Lines for frying snacks Tornado FND-500 are designated as fully automated machinery for big suppliers of snack products. The industrial fryer Tornado FND-500 is completed with options for frying diverse products, subsequent cooling, aromatizing (spicing), and packing ready products. Starting with conveyor (vacuum) delivery of the items to the frying chamber and finishing by packing ready-made products by measured portions, the synchronized system of Tornado FND-500 allows its operator to find and apply best fry profile and then to get the necessary result meeting the highest market demands.

Operating principle: the items to-be-fried are supplied automatically in a pre-set measure to the frying chamber of Tornado FND-500 while its central processor is controlling time and tempeature at which the fried products are immersed in oil. After discharging the products to the cooling tray, the system then cools, removes oil leftovers and moves the products to the next stage for spicing/aromatizing in a cyclical or continual manner. Fried and processed products are then supplied for filling or packing by pre-set values.
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Processed products:

обжарка арахиса во фритюре
обжарка гренков и сухарей во фритюре
обжарка чипсов и пеллет во фритюре
Sunflower seeds
обжарка чак-чака во фритюре
Mutton pies
обжарка пончиков, кондитерских изделий во фритюре


Production of Innovative Food Equipment
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